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Animals They Dream About

album - 2016

The Units

Units - Animals They Dream About
Units - Animals They Dream About cover



Synthesizer, Guitar and Drums.



Recorded in 1981, but unreleased until 2016.


Scott Ryser:


"It just so happened that at the same time, Bill Nelson, of Be-Bop Deluxe and Red Noise fame, had also changed his musical direction, and had embarked on his "Practical Dreamers" tour in May of 1981 after the long-delayed release of his Quit Dreaming and Get on the Beam LP. He was a fan of our music and we had been corresponding for a while. When his tour passed through San Francisco we finally met him. We were fans the Quit Dreaming LP, but also really liked the instrumental music he had recently finished, Das Kabinett (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) album in 1981 as well as the La Belle et La Bete (Beauty and the Beast) soundtrack LP he had recently composed.


"He asked if we'd like to collaborate on something and we invited him to fly out to San Francisco, sleep on our couch in our little one bedroom apartment for a couple of weeks and try co-producing the second album we were working on, Animals They Dream About. To our surprise Bill said yes. We already had all the material and had been rehearsing it and playing some of it live, but just like our first three records, we hadn't signed anything with a record label yet. We all figured some label would pick it up and several labels eventually made offers…but they were all really bad offers. We couldn't afford to release it ourselves at that point, and were all busy working on other projects. So those tapes we worked on in our studio with my 8 track tape machine have been sitting in closets in all the apartments and houses Rachel and I have occupied in San Francisco and New York for close to 35 years now."


Check out these Facebook and Bandcamp links for the Units.

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