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Serge Ruel
May 20, 2022
In World Outside The Window
Oklahoma's defining of fertilization and a recalling of Duchamp's The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors Even, I propose the following. Henceforth: Women will be known as - life to death (form) generators and Men will be known as - life to death (form) initiators and In Light of "God's" covenant with Noah God be known by the word Imp - Just so yaz knows Imp's true feelings about and support of generators and initiators. (Reminds me of the Architect in the Matrix trilogy statement - There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept.) Not the covenant I would make let alone be born into, If I truly had free will and more than "No" choice - LOL! Oh, The Changing Times in Which we Slave/Serve/Rejoice/etc. Remember, Yet another summer of initiating and generating (love) is on the horizon! - LOL So long has DaDa reigned.......!🤖
Serge Ruel
May 19, 2022
In World Outside The Window
a Vasectomy be considered a form of abortion? Should castration be considered a form of abortion?
Serge Ruel
Dec 28, 2021
In World Outside The Window
A social media giant that is undergoing scrutiny by its government, has a new product they want to introduce. Instead of having to spend millions on advertising they decide to use the government investigative body and the news media coverage to help introduce their new product. They have an “insider” of the company, report to the investigative body that the company is really “bad”, one ie. hurting children and families, and soon thereafter they present their new and improved version of their social media product – a new media-verse that people can enter. This is based on the campaign conducted by 1st century Jews to later be named Christians: A possible candidate for “messiah hood” is killed – nobody wants a dead, untriumphful messiah, so they modify the triumphal messiah prophecy with a revision that says it’s not earthly triumph that is ultimately important, but life over death, and make the promise that their untriumphal/triumphal messiah has a kingdom in the hereafter, that is so much better than the here and now, and to enter that kingdom, all you have to do is to believe in the untriumphal/triumphal messiah and pay life-long user dues to the messiah’s church to obtain said kingdom. The media giant, who has the grateful user base of billions, really knows how to turn the tale and reinvent it! I tip my hat to media giant! (Leave Lather Be)
Serge Ruel
Dec 22, 2021
In World Outside The Window
Admist the posturing regarding the use of hyper-sonic nuclear weapons... A nuclear response system that responds when it's not responded to.... No need for humans, just retalliation.... "No stimulus.....Response" Will the hyper-sonics get all the weapons?.... Or will enough responses take place throughout the world system, to ensure complete destruction of the initial source? - End of line -
Serge Ruel
Oct 25, 2021
In World Outside The Window
A fan video I tried to post was blocked worldwide due to copyright concerns. Support material: I've posted similar videos (they have copyright claims listed on the YouTube posting page and they have not been blocked) and all the material in this video is available on youtube. Has anyone else encountered a problem like this? Thanks in advance for the feedback!
Serge Ruel
Jul 26, 2021
In World Outside The Window
If it took 2 years (I don't know the exact time frame) for the Delta variant to manifest, can we expect another variant in 2024 (just in time for the US presidential election)?
Serge Ruel
Apr 22, 2021
In World Outside The Window
Talk about this gave rise to these thoughts... What has and does make civilizations rise and fall?; Answer - Their numerous and intertwined "Walls of Silence" (or don't tell them where the bodies and sources of power are) - (and only include those who will keep our secrets [those you can trust] - really share our same prejudices/hates/loves - that way we'll never get caught or have to pay) ie. The entertainment business walls of silence The sports walls of silence The religious/philosophical walls of silence The scientific walls of silence The technological walls of silence The educational walls of silence The social walls of silence The liberal walls of silence The conservative walls of silence The political walls of silence (includes voters) The sexual walls of silence, Etc. Ever wonder why you always seem to hear the same opinions on news shows - they're all members of that stations nexus of news (propaganda) silence. God bless secret societies for the ultimate cure (answer - walls of silence) for all the various forms of "shirts and flags" (posts and lintels in earlier socities) - (greater and lesser) that have manifested throughout human history, as the cultures we are introduced to in school. Which culture was you're favorite? Were you "led" to similar or associated things in your own life? Was it the beginning of "choosing a side," [or don't you want to be able to afford a great costume and be invited to the next nexus masquerade party) The real point of archeology - to see if any "lost" forms of "crowd control" can be resurrected and employed. ie. Lord George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, DL, styled Lord Porchester (sounds pretty "spanish" to me lol) and King Tut. Don't worry about responding, we're so far past 1948, that this is probably just some kind of public service announcement (without guitars)! LOL How in the world you gonna see Laughin' at fools like me Who in the hell d'you think you are A super star Well, right you are Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Well we all shine on Ev'ryone come on Instant Karma's just the wall of silence for the secret police that is your own family, friends, town province, country, union, world, solar system, universe, super universe - that you ??inhabit?? - more or less depending... LOL (I've been told it's a safe bet to quote John Lennon). This probably should have been posted in the Say What the Hell You Will Post, but what can I say, I'm such a cartoon character.
Serge Ruel
Mar 08, 2021
In World Outside The Window
Golden Earring, the Dutch rock band known for such hits as “Radar Love,” “Twilight Zone” and “When the Lady Smiles,” has officially called it quits. The decision comes after George Kooymans, the band’s guitarist and co-founder, was diagnosed with ALS. “This is a death blow,” Barry Hay, the singer and multi-instrumentalist who has been a member of the group for over 50 years, declared to Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad. “We always said we would keep going until one of us fell over." Read More: Golden Earring Break Up Following ALS Diagnosis of Co-Founder |
Serge Ruel
Jan 09, 2021
In World Outside The Window
The sun passing from east to west is not the rising and setting of the sun, it's the lamp of a celestial copier making a photostat - so Smile :)
Serge Ruel
Dec 04, 2020
In World Outside The Window
After a while, most things become time encoded and eventually reach maturity, then old age and then death/historic. It is interesting to be born, and as you grow to follow the fancies/frolics of your time and you bias(es); eventually being processed to a facet that is supposed to reflect your individuality – whether you belong or not. How we settle in, enjoying or not, as we are chosen to fulfill our part of the facet into which we have been processed. Instead of getting out of the way – we entrench, bringing meaning/purpose to our facet – eventually knowing that it is no longer in the spotlight – but just another facet of a larger crystal (planet). Some age and die, while others learn to traverse from facet to facet, ever enriching the crystal – some knowing that even this process entails the growth and dissolution of the crystal. And thus is the weaving into and out of existence. So proceed, with joy or sorrow; love or hate; or whatever suits your current fancy/frolic - bias. A Red Winter Night's Dream | Edward Ka-Spel (
Serge Ruel
Oct 16, 2020
In World Outside The Window
Serge Ruel
Oct 15, 2020
In World Outside The Window
I WAS NEVER going to speak about this; But since I told one person, and have been criticized/terrorized by several, I thought possible I’m being prompted to share. I was watching Ancient Aliens (AA), And they were talking bout jinns, they were relating them to the Middle East (the source point for at least 4 major religions). And I thought, I wonder if there is a possibility that what ?a lot? “Of” people consider to be god is actually a jinn? An image of The burning/non-burning bush associated with Moses that was part of the AA episode was a key trigger for this thought. If it is true, it could possible change humanity's viewpoint on god/religion. Others might just say, It's about time somebody else noticed. LOL And if you want to call me a blasfemur (sp meant) know after being beaten so many times and threatened with death, which is going to happen anyway (more than likely), what difference does it make, I'll be dead either sooner or later. So why not live and see who cares (paraphrase from The Who) Oh yeah, my God is so BIG, this stuff is just children crying....
Serge Ruel
Oct 11, 2020
In World Outside The Window
Serge Ruel
Oct 09, 2020
In World Outside The Window
Murdoch's idio-syn-crac-ic marauders? - Would the Civil War marauders approve? The extreme right's 24 hour SNL Weekend Update?
Serge Ruel
Oct 08, 2020
In World Outside The Window
United States (Trump) / Russia (Putin) / China (Xi)?
Serge Ruel
Oct 08, 2020
In World Outside The Window
Why doesn't he generate a proclamation to that affect and ask the Congress to pass legislation to that effect and build an infrastructure to implement or provide existing hospitals/care centers with the treatment. Why haven't his advisors proposed this? Collusion? Why has the press not asked this question of him? Collusion? Why haven't legislators and senators proposed this. Collusion? Why hasn't his base demanded this? Collusion? Has stated we are in a war with COVID-19. Why not implement the War Powers Act to implement the above? Collusion? Or is he more interested in packing the Supreme Court and courts (his legacy?) {Or is he just blowing air out of his back end about treatment for all?} (protest) I'm requesting the above treatment be available for all (if they want it). I don't think this protest/request could be more peaceful - unless is was not posted at all - LOL
Serge Ruel
Jun 10, 2020
In World Outside The Window
Any thoughts about this graphic novel character? Would appreciate your responses.
Serge Ruel
Jan 22, 2020
In World Outside The Window
Yes. And it nothing like the pablum they addicted you with as a child, youth, and young adult entering the machine. Hope you’re enjoying the ride! (evil wink)
Serge Ruel
Dec 19, 2019
In World Outside The Window
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. Both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham have stated their intent to commit "evasion" and to not "faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am (they are) about to enter." Why has nothing been done?
Serge Ruel
Aug 10, 2019
In William's World
While Bill's learning his new program/hardware? LOL

Serge Ruel

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