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Chimes & Rings
In William's World
In William's World
Sep 20, 2022
Very glad to hear that the Red Noise box set has charted. And so it should! Sound on Sound is a brilliant album, and the reissue package does justice to the source material - well done Esoteric. A particular highlight so far has been the Leicester live set (after listening to which I have to go and lie down for a while - it's tiring!). Oh how I'd love to have seen Red Noise live (I was too young) - but thrilling now to at least hear them in all their live glory, and see the OGWT footage, which at least allows one to imagine what the gigs would have been like. Fascinating to hear how 'finished' the home demos are - and Bill's solo DIY recording career direction of the past few decades can be seen as a near inevitability in hindsight, given his ability to create 'finished product' (albeit minus the hi-fi) as far back as the 1970s. I'm not sufficiently audiophile to make informed comment on the sound quality - although I feel like I'm hearing everything as clearly as I could hope to. Reverby vocals, newly audible bass guitar melodies, synth textures, percussion fizz, etc, etc. Hindsight is easy, but I think 'My Light' would have sat oddly within Sound on Sound - it almost seems to belong to an earlier - or later incarnation of Bill. Some artists feel a need to tinker with track listings on their reissues - not something I am a big fan of, and I'm certainly glad it hasn't happened here. If it ain't broke... Very happy to hear new, improved Ideal Homes, Instantly Yours, and Disposable. The first two tracks I felt were slightly, er, disposed of, on the b-side of Do You Dream in Colour? (although it made for a great EP, including Atom Man Loves Radium Girl). I've always felt they were 'album quality', and they sound fantastic in their newly mixed forms - as does Disposable. Packaging and extra content? A+ quality. Reissues can be tacky, instant revenue generators to scam the loyal fans, but a great amount of care and attention - and, dare I say it, love - has clearly gone into this box set. Again, kudos to Esoteric for that. This is such an important album for me. Lots of great music was happening in 1979, and although I was a bit too young to fully dig it all, including the Red Noise experience, I can see now what a formative period it was in terms of my musical taste. I'm so glad Red Noise has got the reissue it deserves.
“Savage Gestures For Charms Sake”
In William's World
Dec 10, 2021
"Saxaphone"? 😮


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