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May 27, 2023
In William's World
I was watching a program featuring the 'Cruise ship' singer Jane McDonald the other night. She was giving a guided tour of Yorkshire and her home town ( Wakefield ) As she was pointing out the 'Wakefield stars' in the footpath I noticed the camera linger on one that belonged to a Musician, Composer and Artist called Bill Nelson... A big lollipop to any one else who spotted it :-) . I'm not a fan of Jane Mcdonald and she did lay the 'Professional Yorkshireman' thing on a bit thick but I have to be honest...she did come across as very likeable and genuine in her enthusiasm for all things Yorkshire.
Nov 06, 2021
In William's World
This morning I was thrilled but puzzled to receive a 'friend request' on facebook from Bill Nelson. However we are already 'friends', and the profile picture was blank. I was suspicious and checked Bills fb page. This was obviously not 'our' Bill Nelson'. Keep an eye out folks, this could be a scam of some sort. Someone with bad intent picking up on the fact that I was likely to accept the request on auto pilot because of who it purportedly came from perhaps? It was only because I couldn't think of any reason why Bill would suddenly contact me personally that I didn't click accept without thinking.


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