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Apr 14, 2024
In World Outside The Window
It would seem that I am in a minority in my view that children are, for the most part, wonderful and magical, and may be the best part of our species - I am now ready to be a father but illness, my age and the increasingly precarious state of our homeworld, not to mention the seemingly insurmountable hurdles to adoption all make it impossible for me to be a dad. I am aware, from many things which are said, that I would be told that my view of children is unrealistic - after all, 'adult right/child wrong, adult good/child bad. child problem/adult solution' - does this sound familiar? We seem to have a bizarre set of reasons for deciding on the inclusion of children in our lives (although I use the word 'inclusion' advisedly as it seems common to keep ones' children at arms' length) - there is a long list, which we have all heard at some point and it goes like this; to have 'something' of my own to love - to cement a relationship - to prove oneself to be an adult - to prove ones' maturity - to offer up to ones' god of choice - to live through vicariously - to carry on a name or bloodline - to lift Ma and Pa from poverty - and, my favourite, 'someone who will love me unconditionally'. This last one, in particular, is a gigantic red flag and, as with the others, shows that a potential Junior is of no consequence, and is certainly not seen as a person in their own right, and cannot be seen as having rights. The idea of one-way unconditionality is linked to the old awful idea of 'honour thy father and mother', wherein Ma and Pa are allowed to do as they please to Junior, who should welcome whatever rancid cr*p is thrown their way. This is not on - I've been there,seen the movie and have the t-shirt as has my wonderful lamented sister -as she used to say, ' throw some food their way, do the bare minimum and wait in tension for them to leave home'. I don't see how we can possibly be on the right track to being good parents when we are largely incapable of relating to them, understanding them, respecting them, and having no interest in the wonder of being part of knowing your child, learning about them and from them, and being completely involved in their rapid personal evolution; children are not fashion accessories, ornaments or fixtures, they are each a person, an individual and human, deserving of respect, understanding and the very best that we should give, to protect and nurture the best in each child - we owe them - it is we who decide to bring them into our lives, and if we are failing them, be honest, and give them up for adoption so that they may just have the chance of the lives which they deserve. I know that if I were able to have the two daughters for whom I long, I would worship them, but it is too late for me. I hope that if this post is to be pulled for whatever reason, that at least one person may recognise what I have written and comment or maybe comment just to b*ll*ck me - unpalatable opinions and so forth. Thanks to Dreamsville.
Aug 26, 2023
In World Outside The Window
I have been debating whether or not to make this post, which is deeply personal but which may be the usual 'shouting into a hurricane'. On April 5th, this year, I found my uniquely wonderful sister dead in her room in the house which we had shared for many years. She had been suffering from a number of worsening and untreatable conditions for over fourteen years and, even though her unstoppable descent made her life increasingly awful, she was valiant and uncomplaining - my hero if ever I had one. She was incredibly clever, resourceful, kind, empathetic, generous, creative and witty, and for all that she was, a far better sister than I deserved. Since my sisters' death, I have, by choice or necessity been talking to others about my sister, and am utterly disgusted with the casual cruelty, lack of compassion and indifference which is common on our planet - I even had one person telling me that 'in my best interest' I should stop thinking about my sister, my loss, and the horrors which were visited upon her - and how glad am I to call Earth my home!!! When I dare to complain about peoples' open insensitivity, I have been met with a litany of excuses including the famous 'people don't know what to say', (balls), which is truly amazing as I have been confronted by stony faces and tropes such as 'life goes on', and 'death is part of the cycle of life'. This last one was said to me as most adults would patronise a child for being hurt at the loss of their pet hamster which served only to add to my grief- classic homo sapien. I am allowed to grieve, I am allowed to hurt, and I am allowed for this to never leave me. I remembered that Bill had posted loving comments about those whom he has lost, and hope that maybe he and a few others may relate to the hopelessness of feeling tha a door has closed forever and the lifelong helplessness of never being able to be with one of those rare people who are utterly precious to oneself. I was told to 'only remember the good times', as if editing the misery and suffering from my sisters' past is a good and wholesome thing - this would be disrespectful and a dishonour to my sister' memory. I feel certain that we should take a hard look at ourselves, and the galaxy-sized gap between how we choose to see ourselves and the awful realiuty of what we are - if I was a weaker person and needed a shoulder upon which to cry, well, it's not there. I am lucky that she was my sister, unlucky to have lost her and she, the unluckiest of all to have been made to suffer ( we were the 'lucky' recipients of 'cruel to be kind' parental 'love'). I have taken the liberty of including a beautiful image of my awesome sister as she deserves tribute to be paid to her. Thanks for your indulgence.
My beloved sister. content media
Oct 11, 2022
In World Outside The Window
Hi gang, Here's an early birthday gift for you Bill, a re-imagined, plasticised, Barbie-fied version of your current bete noir, Liz Truss - and for political balance, a re-working of Angela (no to grammar schools!) Rayner, all ready for Halloween! Hope Bill and Emiko and everyone else is well.
New Chief bean counter.... content media


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