First of July today and the hot, sunny weather of last month continues and looks set to continue for all of this coming week, if not beyond. Have taken advantage of it by taking the convertible out for a spin each day.
Emi has been busy making flower arrangements for a customer's birthday celebration party and also for a special flower festival display in Fairfax House, she's taking the flowers and vases to the latter this afternoon but creating the arrangement tomorrow.

I've continued to work on 'These Stars Are Fire' in the evenings when it's a bit cooler in my studio, 39 tracks completed at this point.
Enjoyed a visit from John Spence last week. He was in the area on studio business and called in for a cup of tea and a chat. Nice to see him.
Speaking of John, I'll need to take another album over to Fairview for mastering soon, especially as 'Dynamos And Tremolos' is very close to release. Must keep the release flow going. There are still lots of albums finished and awaiting mastering and artwork preparation.
Right, I'm about to help Emi deliver the flowers to Fairfax House so I'll sign off for now.
