Decided to call a halt to recording for today, at least until this evening. The sun was shining and an extended bank holiday weekend suggested leaving work alone for a while.
Emiko and I drove to Knaresborough, one of our favourite haunts, but the good weather had brought out the crowds and the place was packed. It was hard to find a space in the riverside car park. The car park is just a grass patch, no hard surface and it was difficult to manoeuvre through the many cars occupying the space to find a gap where we could fit in...Unfortunately, we became stuck in a hollow area filled with mud beneath the apparently grassy surface and our car could neither go forward nor back. The car's rear wheels kept spinning and mud was thrown all over the car but we were stuck fast. Luckily, a few people came to our rescue and pushed and pulled for over five minutes to get us free of the trap. My faith in humanity was restored by their willingness to help us get out of the mess we were in...they even gave us their parking ticket for the day as they were just about to leave. So nice to encounter such kindness these days.
Mud spattered, we walked by the river where people were hiring rowing boats and gently sculling on the river Nidd. The sun beat down, blossoms shone like jewels in the trees and we eventually found a table at 'The Marigold Cafe' that is situated right on the riverside. We ordered a simple lunch and I treated myself to a glass of red wine to calm my frayed nerves after the car park ordeal. All was bliss as the sunshine sparkled on the river and old rowboats drifted up and down in the warm May air. I noticed though, how poor my vision has become since the last time we visited Knaresborough. Details in the landscape were missing and faces of people were a vague blur. The world seems to be slowly fading away...
After Knaresborough we drove to Harrogate and took a walk around Valley Gardens and enjoyed the 'old world,' vibe of this beautifully maintained little park in the heart of the town. The great British composer Edward Elgar used to visit Harrogate and stroll through Valley Gardens. I tried to imagine him walking elegantly along its paths, straw hat perched at a stylish angle on his head, a silver-topped walking cane in his hand, and a splendid moustache delineating his smile, happy to be there, as was I.
Tomorrow, I must wash the car of its thick coating of mud. Still another day of this wonderful weather to come before it turns cooler later in the week. As the old saying has it: 'Make hay while the sun shines'...
Knaresborough today, blossoms on the river...
Another view of the river at Knaresborough today...