Yes, I know, it's been ages since my last journal entry. Sometime in August I think. But this entry, by necessity, will be more of a summary, rather than a detailed, blow-by-blow account of the last couple of months..
I'm currently way behind with preparations for the upcoming 'Old Haunts' launch party due to various unexpected domestic distractions, plus the fact that I decided to take this event on somewhat later in the year than usual, thereby affording me much less time to sort out the essential practicalities.
There have been so many problems and diversions in my life of late, too many to record here, but the struggle to maintain my creative output continues, despite the overwhelming concerns.
The preview playback of the 'Old Haunts' album, (which launch party attendees will be privileged to hear), requires a background video so that the audience has something to watch as the album is unveiled, rather than having to stare into empty space. The album contains sixteen tracks and runs to over an hour, so I've needed to create a video of that length to project during the album's preview.
Anyone working with video editing software will know how complex and time consuming assembling over an hour's worth of video images from scratch can be, and this particular visual extravaganza has taken me a month of hard work to piece together. Its title is 'VISIONS, HAUNTINGS, HALLUCINATIONS'
The video hasn't been edited to synch with the 'Old Haunts' album though. I've instead cut it to a selection of tracks from various earlier instrumental albums. The reason for this is that I intend to make the video available to watch on my website for free after the launch party is done. And I certainly don't want to have the 'Old Haunts' album tracks made available in similar fashion, which would obviously be detrimental to the sales of the album.
However, it will be interesting to see how this random video actually interacts with the album playback at the event. I'm looking forward to seeing the accidental, but perhaps fortuitous, connections between the visual content and the sonic unfolding of the songs.
Other ongoing tasks are proving equally time consuming and stressful. I have a guitar to decorate for a charity auction...a beautiful Eastwood 'Airline' tribute to one of the historic Supro guitars. This model retails at a fraction under £1000 pounds so it is a very good quality, classy instrument. In fact, it's so good I've actually dared to use it on a new recording, so it will be a guitar the eventual owner can say that I’ve actually played! But I have yet to add my original artwork to it. Which is another major task.
Also have yet to choose a set list, (and guitars,) for the live performance component of the event. Will try to make inroads with this soon, though time is running out at a frightening rate. I have to prepare artwork for the merchandise stall too, though I fear that there will be a lot less than usual this year.
Now to one of the more serious problems facing me...
My dear Mum, who in August had her 91st birthday, has suffered, (on Monday 7th October,) a heart attack which necessitated a dash by ambulance to the local hospital's A+E department. Mum is still in hospital and doing ok, though she requires constant monitoring and observation at the moment. All of our family have been deeply concerned and have been visiting her daily.
My focus of attention has obviously gone away from the 'Old Haunts' launch event and onto Mum's condition and recovery. I'm sure fans will appreciate this and will forgive any shortcomings in terms of content detail for the November event, (though I'm doing my utmost to try and keep everything on track.) It's a very worrying time for all of the Nelson family but we're hoping that Mum's recovery will be as positive as possible. She's a wonderful lady and, despite her fragility, is mentally strong and stubborn and will, I know, fight this latest setback as much as she is able, so, please bear with me and I'll write with more news soon, if possible.
Now I have to try and catch up with video editing and the preparation of a couple of new backing tracks for the November event.


Thoughts and prayers sent your way Bill. I wish your mother a quick and full recovery.
Greetings from Chicago, Bill. My best to you, your mother, and your entire family.
Wishing you all the very best William, at a difficult time. By the way, that gold Peerless sounds great already! Keep on, Martin.
Hugs from me, across the sea. All the very best to your mom, you, and your family.
A nice new comfortable chair with a back on it !(goodbye small 'Gibson' stool)...... now that is a sensible change, me thinks! I'm sure that your back will feel the benefit of that small improvement to your 'Studio'. However, I'm still amazed that all the 'magic' that we get to hear happens in such a cramped Scandanavian minimalism for you it seems. My best wishes go to your Mum for a full and speedy recovery... but don't forget to look after yourself and Emiko too.