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Updated: Apr 21, 2019

Can't tell whether I'm coming or going at the moment, so many distractions but the biggest is trying to reorganise the next new album. As I've already mentioned in a previous entry, 'Vulcan Street' has been abandoned and I've had a complete re-think about the direction of the album. I've now sort of settled on a new approach and title and I'm about to completely re-shuffle the track running order to suit this.

The album's new title is to be 'Stand By: Light Coming...' and I've written and recorded a track with that name to fit the concept. The number of songs recorded now far exceeds what I can fit on a single CD so there will have to be some heavy pruning. Just what tracks to leave out is the real problem. One draft running order didn't really satisfy me, so I'll need to experiment with another until I get it right.

Any tracks left over will possibly make up a 'mini' album which I'll offer as a digital download only item. This will be a sort of curiosity piece for dedicated fans.

All this chopping and changing is pushing the mastering of the album back though, and also the re-titling means I'll need to work on completely different images for the artwork. Lots to think about and to physically achieve.

Other matters:- Went to Wakefield today to visit my mum who seems to be getting more frail every week. She suffered a fall last week, which was very worrying. She will be 91 this coming August so I guess things like this are to be expected, but I always think of her as being somehow indestructible. None of us are, of course, though that illusion infects. everyone to some degree. Mortality rarely troubles us when we're young, but, gosh, how quickly youth runs out.

Weather warm and sunny today, above average temps for this time of year. Easter Sunday coming up tomorrow. It's also our wedding anniversary so I've booked a table at a restaurant in town for Emi and I to celebrate.

Next year, 2020, will mark our Silver Wedding Anniversary and we're hoping to do something special with a limited number of invited guests and possibly a live musical performance by myself. As always, we'll see how things feel when it gets nearer the time...

Right now I have to start work on 'Stand By: Light Coming...'


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