I will keep this short, and not divulge my opinions on The Great Man, but rather repeat three comments made about him; one - a retired four-star general who is quoted as saying that, in his opinion, Trump is 'the literal definition of a fascist'; two - that Trumps' unpredictability' makes him an 'asset' in relation to foreign policy, diplomacy and trade deals; and three - from one sweet young American citizen (who had voted for Kamala Harris), and who explained, with sincerity and clarity, that she is 'terrified for her life and for the lives of her many fellow Americans' - this was said with passion and tears rolling down her cheeks.
Since we take great in never learning from our mistakes, (The Simpsons -'never back down, never admit to being wrong') - I feel, sadly, that this time we're toast.
And so the pendulum starts to swing back the other way. Neither extreme is great, or even good, but that's people for ya....