I will keep this short, and not divulge my opinions on The Great Man, but rather repeat three comments made about him; one - a retired four-star general who is quoted as saying that, in his opinion, Trump is 'the literal definition of a fascist'; two - that Trumps' unpredictability' makes him an 'asset' in relation to foreign policy, diplomacy and trade deals; and three - from one sweet young American citizen (who had voted for Kamala Harris), and who explained, with sincerity and clarity, that she is 'terrified for her life and for the lives of her many fellow Americans' - this was said with passion and tears rolling down her cheeks.
Since we take great in never learning from our mistakes, (The Simpsons -'never back down, never admit to being wrong') - I feel, sadly, that this time we're toast.
Musk says he's targeting for "elimination" the US federal spending on "entitlements", which he says is the largest part of total spending. But he includes, in that, social security spending (UK equiv: pensions) - which isn't an "entitlement" in the sense he means (people mostly pay for it our of their wages - it's their due).
I recall the Thatcher Conservatives telling the same Big Lie. They constantly claimed the welfare budget far exceeded the rest of government spending. But they included in that the total on *pensions* (which was conflated with, and actually dwarfed, the amount spent on unemployment benefits). They got to promote cuts while wrongly blaming 'scroungers'. Win-win. Same BS from Musk.
I wonder when the penny will drop for non-rich MAGA folk.
Well, I suppose someone has to pay for those big tax breaks the Orange Orangutan
is dishing out to his billionaire backers.
As for the undersea link - I assume that's a retread of the infamous "Hype-a-loop".
It will be interesting to see the results on USA inflation when the Orangutan's
tariffs program kicks in...
Apparently, Trump is set to introduce a $2,000 tax hike on the middle classes - I had thought that such disloyalty was assured, but not quite this soon.
Also (apparently), Musk has announced his ambition to create an undersea link from England to America at an estimated cost of $19tn. and all so that travellers can make the journey in one hour - simply spiffing!
Well, that farago yesterday in the Oval Office was an demonstration of
the Putin-Trump Pact, which should be compared to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939
between Stalin's Soviet Russia and German Nazi regimes which lead to the dismemberment of Poland.
We've seen how much the MAGA mob really admire the Nazi ethos.
The UK & EU need to take note that the US is now being run by an unpredictable despotic
cabal & get their act together.
Going forward there should be no more dependence on USA for defence/deterrence.
That means no more purchasing/dependence on US made weapon systems that can be switched
off remotely by the Orange Orangutan et al.
I think the only question about Trump that remains is whether he is deliberately, purposefully acting as a Russian asset, or is simply a deluded, demented, narcissistic megalomaniac.
I had a great holiday in the USA last April, in New Mexico and Texas, culminating in the total solar eclipse. I'm glad that it was last year, because I don't think I'll be back again in my lifetime.
America, you are seriously f**ked. Just don't take the rest of us down with you.
Todays' barking hissy-fit from Gods' own little cherub was, in my opinion, a further demonstration of the innate danger posed by Trump (and his acolytes) to our world.
Once again, he showed that he had no understanding of events around him, and I feel that Zelenskyy showed great restraint whilst being bullied, accused and harried.
That Trump should have accused Zelenskyy of playing with World War 3 is terrifying as it is Trump who is steamrollering over the planet, and seems to be displaying clear signs that he should not be in office.
Still, I suppose that I and others making such comments might be regarded as 'bringing a negative energy' to affairs - we shall see, shan't we?
In recent days Trump has shown himself to be increasingly dictatorial and in light of his comments regarding Ukraine he just plain doesn't understand what he sees and hears = I can' help wondering just how much damage will be allowed by the global population before he, Musk, Putin and others are contained for the safety of all - nah, just let them get on with things, eh? After all, someone (or something) will clear away this worsening mess (which our history proves always happens). By the way, I' glad that Trudeau broke ranks and called out Trump as a bully. It's true.
Hopefully, the rest of the world will be able to remind tRump that he actually does need them. No country is self-sufficient these days. The question is how much irreparable damage will be done before that happens.
This is why it’s called the Gulf of Mexico.
Well, what has Trumpenstein done now? Since re-writing the human biological code during his inauguration speech ' there will now be only two genders - male and female' (which seems to have gone unnoticed), re-naming the Gulf of Mexico, threatening to take ownership of Greenland and Gaza, purging the region of all Palestinians, cutting aid to South Africa and is in the process of dismantling USAID, cutting funding towards bio-medical research and, of course, will impose sanctions upon the International Criminal Court because 'he doesn't like them', I can't help wondering what other 'helpful actions he will take against the rest of our world.
Trump, Musk and others of the same ilk remind me of small children who play a fantasy game to the max, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality and acting on the back of raw and unrefined emotions - 'I want, I want it's my way all the way'. Global society must stop feeding the beast - our childrens' lives are at stake.
Once again, the coverage of this latest development did not raise an eyebrow - this is serious stuff, and says, to me anyway, that Trump is, in my opinion, even more disturbed than last time around.
If I wanted to write the most outlandish fiction I couldn't come close to this, even with a pretty good imagination ( and that includes Musks' open declaration of wanting to own this world of ours - others are making the same observation -take a tablet and lie down in a darkened room, please!!) - once again, I refer to Alans' comment that you can't argue with madness.
The U.S. taking ownership of Palestine reminds me of Trump’s first term when he said that North Korea had beachfront property potential.
We’ve moved past American Exceptionalism to Libertarian Eccentricism...
This is a real eye-opener but contextually unsurprising - I have noticed that there seems to be an unofficial global censorship at work, where people allow for very little to be discussed; if what is said is outside the narrow bounds of ones' ego, belief or interest, you will either be met with silence or you will be demonised and perhaps punished. Trump must know that he has a ready audience (well, he IS 'The Peoples' Champion!!), and that the laziness of the many is fertile ground for his destructive b.s.
I agree with Alans' comment about trying to reason with madness, and two superb books deal with this and the accompanying apathy of many ( '1984' and 'The Nazis - A Warning from History); not caring seems to be at the heart of most of our self-inflicted problems, you know, 'I would shrug my shoulders, but I just can't be bothered', and, for those who simply 'don't care', understanding doesn't figure. Well, we don't have too much time to become 'bothered' and reverse course from this vile self-created generational sh*thole - we don't have to make ourselves go extinct, and yet now here we are. Brilliant.