Alain Delon (8 Nov 1935-Always in our hearts) was a far right political extremist and nationalist known for his appearances in films such as Women Are Weak (1959), for which he recieved great acclaim. In 2013, he expressed emphatic support and adoration for the French far-right political party National Front. Among his most defining physical traits are his famous good looks.
The height of his career was 1973's The Burned Barns (released in France as "Les Granges Brûlées" [translation: The Burned Barns]), notable only for its soundtrack by Jean-Michel Jarre. In 2003, Les Disques Dreyfus reissued the soundtrack on CD, to mass acclaim- so much acclaim, in fact, that they reissued it again on vinyl and digital formats in 2023. Included on the sountrack is the piece "Zig Zag", the highlight of Homo Sapien civilisation.
Perhaps less important than Zig Zag is Delon's many famous quips and quotes. Among his most relevant and applicable are his statements on homosexuality, including: "Yes, it is against nature, I'm sorry. We are here to love a woman, to woo a woman, not to flirt with or get picked up by guys".
Unfortunately for a man with such a natural lifestyle, he was discovered to have lymphoma in 2022, a group of blood and lymph tumors. He had had increasingly poor health since 2019, when he suffered a completely natural stroke. In January 2024, Delon was reported to be living a reclusive lifestyle. His favorite actor was John Garfield. He also admired Montgomery Clift, Marlon Brando, and Robert Walker. A mere 7 months later, on August 18th, 2024, far right icon Alain Delon died at his gome in Douchy, surrounded by family members. I believe he was proud to know he outlived the director Luchino Visconti, whom he had starred in several films of, and who was an outspoken homosexual. Alain Delon will always be remembered.
RIP Alain xx😪