Not that it matters much but the cantina band music in the first Star Wars movie was a contrast to the strange creatures playing it. It’s like when Marianne Faithfull and David Bowie looked so strange singing a duet of “I Got You, Babe”. Both of those moves were clever and worked well and still surprise. I just wanted something different from both, something other than cuteness.
In 1972, Paul McCartney released a song called “Give Ireland Back To The Irish” and in 1992 the Morrissey song “The National Front Disco” has the refrain in it ‘England for the English’.
When listening to the Shadows’ “Kon-Tiki” after reading Bill’s post about it, I was reminded of the Beatles song “Hold Me Tight”. If one imagines “Hold Me Tight” as an instrumental, it sounds like a Shadows track.
When I first heard of Brexit, the song “European Son” by JAPAN sprang to mind. When I first heard that song I told my then-girlfriend that I thought the lyrics might be about human trafficking. She told me that the lyrics were about English existentialism and tourism within the E.U.
‘He was born in Arizona
Moved to Babylonia
King Tut’
— King Tut - Steve Martin
‘Did I forget to mention, to mention Memphis
Home of Elvis and the ancient Greeks’
— Cities - Talking Heads
Not that it matters much but the cantina band music in the first Star Wars movie was a contrast to the strange creatures playing it. It’s like when Marianne Faithfull and David Bowie looked so strange singing a duet of “I Got You, Babe”. Both of those moves were clever and worked well and still surprise. I just wanted something different from both, something other than cuteness.
TikTok as a name reminds me of the It's A Small World clock
A yodle is a glide off of a glitch, a warble based on a glottal stop, and is something we share with roosters and goats.
In 1972, Paul McCartney released a song called “Give Ireland Back To The Irish” and in 1992 the Morrissey song “The National Front Disco” has the refrain in it ‘England for the English’.
Didn’t know that the term ‘goth’ was a term in 1919 …
The severed head incident in Edinburgh is gruesome, ridiculous, and timeless.
When listening to the Shadows’ “Kon-Tiki” after reading Bill’s post about it, I was reminded of the Beatles song “Hold Me Tight”. If one imagines “Hold Me Tight” as an instrumental, it sounds like a Shadows track.
When I first heard of Brexit, the song “European Son” by JAPAN sprang to mind. When I first heard that song I told my then-girlfriend that I thought the lyrics might be about human trafficking. She told me that the lyrics were about English existentialism and tourism within the E.U.
Maureen Humphreys’ sampled voice of ‘NO NO NO’ and ‘Seee-cret’ on the OMD songs “Tesla Girls” and “Secret” makes these nice songs naughty earworms.
The backing vocals Fło & Eddie contribute to the T-Rex song “Cosmic Dancer” always remind me of similar in the Beatles song “Octopus's Garden”.
The Latin verb sistere (to stand/to stand for) is pronounced ‘Sister Ray’
In Old Norse, the word 'thing' means court. The German last name Dinger means lawyer. It's a ding thing.
Roddy Frame & Georgie Fame
‘She’ll take a slowcar to China
A little green worm inside my head
She’ll take a slowcar to China
A little green worm inside my head tonight.’ (from “Slow Car To China” — Gary Numan)
Jackie DeShannon - When You Walk In The Room and The Beatles - What You’re Doing have almost the exact same guitar hooks.