I wonder if someone here can solve a puzzle that has been bugging me for a couple of years regarding a band's name and their song:
Early Seventies song I think (1972?) with a long dark haired female singer - could be the band in the photo I found with no name attached to it. I think they had one fairly big hit which is the song I can't recall.

Any ideas anyone?
Shocking Blue get played quite regularly on the oldies video channel here. I think that you will find that Venus was definitely their highpoint. On some of their tracks, like Send me a Postcard, they remind me of early Jefferson Airplane. A lot of the other tracks are simply dreadful. Railroad Man, Inkpot 😱 They do seem to have managed to have a 2cd Greatest Hits album. (I will have to check it out. I can't imagine that they had that many hits. However, the Dutch do love their own.)
Mariska Veres (the singer) died back in 2006.