I've deliberately avoided commenting on America's troubles for a while, God knows we've got enough of our own, what with the Covid situation, Brexit and Boris the Buffoon's rancid Tory government, but...
I've been watching the ongoing crisis in the United States with horror. Interviews with Trump supporters at his recent rallies reveal the ugly backside of American politics. The people crowding together with neither masks nor social distancing to worship at the feet of the foul priest Trump should sicken every decent person in America. The ignorance on display is breathtaking. His supporters spout all kinds of dangerous nonsense, some saying that the pandemic is 'just a hoax designed to destroy America'. (No, pal, it's you that's destroying America.)
The whole Trump cult has brainwashed and hijacked the Republican party, (and a way too large number of 'The American People.') Facts, evidence and science don't mean a thing to these gullible dupes.
It seems we're witnessing the slow death of a once great nation as Trump feeds his ego and leads the country down into the sewer.
Joe Biden may not be the best politician in America but he can't possibly be worse than Trump. Time to vote Trump out of office and hopefully regain some of what has so sadly been lost...
Interesting update from Professor Tim Wilson on a confusing situation developing . . .