I've deliberately avoided commenting on America's troubles for a while, God knows we've got enough of our own, what with the Covid situation, Brexit and Boris the Buffoon's rancid Tory government, but...
I've been watching the ongoing crisis in the United States with horror. Interviews with Trump supporters at his recent rallies reveal the ugly backside of American politics. The people crowding together with neither masks nor social distancing to worship at the feet of the foul priest Trump should sicken every decent person in America. The ignorance on display is breathtaking. His supporters spout all kinds of dangerous nonsense, some saying that the pandemic is 'just a hoax designed to destroy America'. (No, pal, it's you that's destroying America.)
The whole Trump cult has brainwashed and hijacked the Republican party, (and a way too large number of 'The American People.') Facts, evidence and science don't mean a thing to these gullible dupes.
It seems we're witnessing the slow death of a once great nation as Trump feeds his ego and leads the country down into the sewer.
Joe Biden may not be the best politician in America but he can't possibly be worse than Trump. Time to vote Trump out of office and hopefully regain some of what has so sadly been lost...
Interesting update from Professor Tim Wilson on a confusing situation developing . . .
Remember, we were warned that Russia would destroy us from within!
So, business as usual, eh!? LOL
Not meaning to be mean spirited to anybody but I think we need to be just a bit concerned about the many more people that are losing their lives to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, alcoholism, depression and poverty because of the government's obsession with a virus that is not life threatening to 99% of the population. Even now with the majority of the population vaccinated and others with their own natural immunity , the gov.t and the left leaning liberals are still obsessed with this virus? Maybe it's more to do with a political agenda? I neither have any desire to debate this further but just to hope that people on this site may acquire a little more critical thinking and logical nouse.... I'll get mi coit ;)
Boris Johnson admits it's ludicrous he's PM, says Cummings - BBC News
Why does every term Republicans use as a scare tactic, sound like a cool band name?
Sign of the times: There is a ten pence piece on the pavement near where I live. Normally, someone would have picked it up within a few days. Its been there for months.
Guys, just look up "social democracy". That's the form of socialism that most of mean when we talk about it.
From a guy who declares himself a defender of laissez-faire capitalism and name drops Ayn Rand . . .
"Fascism and communism are two variants of statism. Both are forms of dictatorship. Neither one recognizes individual rights nor permits individual freedom. The differences are non-essential: fascism is racial statism and communism is statism of economic class.
Communism advocates the abolition of private property; socialism advocates government ownership of the means of production."
-- Harry Binswanger, contributor to Forbes
I'm constantly amused by the fact that so many American's seem terrified of the word 'socialist' whilst wishing for an autocratic, lying, far right wing government that sees corruption as acceptable and lies as a means of manipulating those that vote for them. It's sick and deeply disturbing.
Too me, and to any decent, rational human being, it's transparently sly, devious and cynical. They seem to think that their voters are dupes, saps to be taken advantage of and manipulated, exploiting innocence and ignorance for their own power lust and monetary benefit. It's shameful and yet people fall for it. Some gullible folks are, unfortunately, far too quick to swallow conspiratorial falsehoods spread by crazy fools on the internet.
I'm not attracted to right wing ideologies in the least. They have no appeal whatsoever. It's a political movement that, in my opinion, has had it's day and will, when a better future arrives, seem as antiquated and damaging to people's health as smoking cigarettes. And I'm not a Marxist either. Viva la revolution! 🤣
Sometimes when people start talking about Boris Johnson, I think of his politically left-leaning great-grandfather, Ali Kemal Bey (Ottoman Turkish: عَلِى كمال بك; 1869 – 6 November 1922), who seemed to have gotten many people cross with him as well.
From the Ali Kemel Bey Wikipedia entry . . .
Kemal's death was also described in a poem by Nâzım Hikmet: “I saw the blood run down into his moustache. Someone yelled: ‘Get him!’ It rained sticks, stones and rotten vegetables. They hung his body from a branch over that bridge.”
In the US, during the George W Bush administration, 'cognitive dissonance' was a term that was often thrown around, kinda like how 'Occam's razor' has been often thrown around recently.
I was merely trying to make a joke for our funny right wing chum when I suggested that cognitive dissonance might be a musical term.
'Cognitive dissonance' : "the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change."
Not sure how you can get that 'stuffed up your 'arrises' though, (or your arse for that matter.) Perhaps only he has the answer to that. But I suppose practice makes perfect! 😉😜😁
The title of an excellent track by the genius Robert Fripp (and The League of Gentlemen).
First heard that term "cognitive dissonance" in relation to George W Bush and by extension his administration and supporters.
Did remind me immediately of musical terminology. In fact, I'd imagined John Cage's voice saying it and something that sounded like a Penderecki composition heading straight for me.
Cognitive dissonance? Is that a musical terms? If so, I'll have a few bars worth on my next album! 😉😅