Monday afternoon, I came down with “it”.
Whatever “it” is. Uncontrollable coughing, joint pain, fever. Really not fun. The coughing was the worst. Like someone hit you in the chest with a baseball bat.
Very restless at night. Chills.
By yesterday, started feeling better. Today is good.
But of course, my wife started the same symptoms Wednesday evening.
Another friend (who I’ve not been anywhere around for over 8 weeks) had the exact symptoms last week. He went into his doctor & got tested for flu. He was negative. But no opportunity to get the coronavirus test. You have to be able to prove you were in contact with someone who has already tested positive for coronavirus. Sort of a Catch-22.
All of us have had the flu shot.
Just saying…
H1N1 came from confinement hog farms in the US.
So guess it should be called the American Pig Flu.