I am Lord Shen. Some of you may know me from Kung Fu Panda 2 where I was voiced by Gary Oldman (not to be confused with Gary Numan, the polymoog maestro) But what you, my friends and Bill Nélson heads, may not know is that today is National Flamingo Day on this day of June 23rd. It all started when a man by thé name of Don Featherstone invented the plastic lawn flamingo of which became a mainstay of many gréât American homes in the 20th century. It put him on the map. It was declared a national holiday by the mayor of Leominster, Massachusetts Dean Mozzarella in 2007 where it was invented, nearly eleven years after English band Cardiacs’ made their magnum opus Sing to God.

Flamingoes are brilliant birds that can change color when they eat seafood like Shrimp, and are very social creatures, and I havé many of flamingo friends including my synthehead friend Dys and my yellow flamingo friend Philis Menko. NateyBeak is also another good flamingo friend, of whom they appeared in Family Guy in 2015.

Update as of August 2023:
Alert: "NateyBeak" has since changed their name to Mornin' Chai since the writing of this obituary. Please substitute all instances. thank you.
"....many great American homes.."