A social media giant that is undergoing scrutiny by its government, has a new product they want to introduce. Instead of having to spend millions on advertising they decide to use the government investigative body and the news media coverage to help introduce their new product. They have an “insider” of the company, report to the investigative body that the company is really “bad”, one ie. hurting children and families, and soon thereafter they present their new and improved version of their social media product – a new media-verse that people can enter.
This is based on the campaign conducted by 1st century Jews to later be named Christians: A possible candidate for “messiah hood” is killed – nobody wants a dead, untriumphful messiah, so they modify the triumphal messiah prophecy with a revision that says it’s not earthly triumph that is ultimately important, but life over death, and make the promise that their untriumphal/triumphal messiah has a kingdom in the hereafter, that is so much better than the here and now, and to enter that kingdom, all you have to do is to believe in the untriumphal/triumphal messiah and pay life-long user dues to the messiah’s church to obtain said kingdom.
The media giant, who has the grateful user base of billions, really knows how to turn the tale and reinvent it! I tip my hat to media giant!
(Leave Lather Be)
Hmmmmmm.....Very interesting update.....Thanks!
I guess ou don't know Jefferson Airplane songs! LOL
Leave Lather Be: 'Messiah' [anointed]?