about a mixed up kid...
My aeroplane mind and the autumn balloonist float beyond the pond for the moon, whilst channel surfing for flowers and stars - it's Saturn's groove that she sees me sleeping!
Switchback, maybe it's my eyes that she sees in the enchanted cathedral. She's got flower power anywhere and nowhere in particular like a mixed up kid, far beyond the west of me.
This information arrives from dreams - wild and serene! The moon over Echo Lake echoes a touch of body and soul longing for light.
three cheers for all us mixed up kids, surreal garden! bottoms up!
OK silly me!!! – I see what you've done now Ladesco 😉 I did notice the obvious album title 'Mixed Up Kid' reference, but up to that point I hadn't read the titles of the rest of the tracks on Bill's upcoming album. As well as anything else, I'd been drinking some rather strong beer on the night that I made my initial comment 🍺 😋 It seems that I may have been a mixed up kid myself 😂
Sheltech, thank you. I only did it twice ... the new CD box set and this album. I only do it in Bill's Grace, mostly in honor, nothing in greed. As I scanned the Playlist of 96 songs it spoke to me moving thru the titles adding a preposition, an article or punctuation mark, then I found that Sir Nelson is a genius. I have been in quarantine for too long, and I found the flow of connecting the titles speak to me. I hope to afford the box set soon. Till then, I swoon! Have a lovely rest of your day in peace and calm,
Thank you! I wrote it as a review in a style of unconscious streaming, regarding Bill's song titles. Enjoyable, and your comments are so kind! Have a wonderful weekend, Louise (ladesco).
Interesting words Ladesco, you should be a lyric writer 😎