Do people like the sound of an airplane in the distance? Isn't there something comforting about that sound? Same with the sound of a far-off train. It's not really ambient, but maybe it's like beta waves that are produced by the sound of surf and waves crashing on the beach. Maybe the sound of the airplane is like is what drove Kamikaze pilots looking to hear the sound of the eternal NOW. After a while it's not about physics but what things are implied by physics -- the visible points to the invisible. Though we lose parts of our hearing -- certain higher frequencies with age -- we still make the right connections, and still make the right leaps in our thinking experience. The metaphysics of the airplane says the sound is a transportation device that also transports our soul. The sound is the carrier, the platform, and it could be argued this is like music. Music transports us too. The stillness and sound of rain are also like that -- remembrance of something else.
Expect a new airplane CD? The far-off sound of something. The remembrance of something else.
'Aeroplane' as opposed to 'airplane' . . .
I read an article by Oliver Burkeman some years ago suggesting that a failed artist will sometimes pursue a successful artist ( of which they admire) with the crude intention of attempting to somehow usurp the successful artist in various ways that they can.
This insidious process may present itself in many forms, mainly attempting to present themselves as an intellectually superior person, and playing 'devil's advocate' in various situations and circumstances to suit their intentions.
Insecure and troubled children do this frequently as a 'cry for help' to gain attention within a social context in which they feel both uncomfortable socially, and in their pursuits academically.....a vie for askew attention and recognition....but that's children who lack awareness of their actions and the like.
Burkeman goes on to discuss how social media has allowed individuals to access other individuals to create opportunities for this 'failed/successful artist' dynamic to establish itself, largely at the compromise and annoyance of the 'successful artist'.