Well, it seems we've swapped a Pound Shop Trump for a Pound Shop Thatcher. Ding dong, the witch ain't dead...
The only saving grace is that Truss will more or less guarantee that the Tories will lose the next general election. And about friggin' time too. 😛
Chris Foreman, Madness guitarist, posted this yesterday on Instagram ....
Perhaps, the first thing her surname brought to mind was 'Can't Truss It' by Public Enemy . . .
What a complete train wreck...
Librium Liz, the swivel eyed loons candidate for PM sets a new world record for crashing & burning in 45 days.
Never mind, the Tories will choose another one, who'll be along shortly ...
Well, it seems that between them Forrest Gumpette and Financial Titan
withe their "special financial operation" have "doubled down on leveling up"
in that they have leveled up the US $ and Euro to parity with the £ with the Titan's "Cunning Plan".
Funny how being "radical and unconventional" has resulted in a good
old-fashioned run on the £.
In short order, I expect the BoE to triple/quadruple UK interest rates, followed by
a (re)payment crisis and electricity/gas rationing this winter.
So here's the plan... We know we're probably screwed at the next election, so we rack up a huge debt putting a cap on energy prices and let our energy company mates keep raking in the cash. Then when Labour get in, they're lumbered with a huge bill that they're forced to pay off with higher taxes. Because the public have the memory of a hamster, they'll have forgotten it was our fault and blame Labour, so we'll get back in again next time.
Win or lose the next election it won't matter as the labour party has sucessfully ousted the socialists with an anti semite witchhunt and 'sir' Keir Starmer is nothing but another Tony Blair, a tory in pink clothing who will also be led by the nose by the USA fascist establishment.
This energy crisis all started when a huge field of natural gas was found off the coast of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria and Assad refused to play ball with the US. Result was the attempted CIA led coup so Assad got the russians involved who turned it around and then the CIA turned their attention to russia itself and funded and supported the fascist militias in ukraine to oust the democratically elected president who was friendly with russia.
These militias were then incorporated into the official ukrainian military and sent to the donbass region to put down the protests from the russian speaking citizens who didn't support the fascist regime in Kiev, and we all know from our history how fascists deal with those they consider subhuman. That little war has been going on in the donbass since 2014 and when Zelensky gathered 60,000 troops to go in there the russians stepped in to stop it in february this year.
The result will be that russia will turn off the gas supply to the EU, the yanks will supply shale gas, the yank oil companies will supply gas from Qatar and Liz Truss will give the go ahead for fracking in the UK.
Meanwhile watch for what the israeli's will do about the gas field off the coast of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. Dangerous times, the americans are no ones friends, they want it all.
hmmm, well I can't wait until Forrest Gumpette reveals her "bold plan" ...😏
I'm sure her SPADs have done extensive research ...
Great, eh?
Let's see what direct and immediate help she is going to offer/give to ordinary people, those who are already struggling terribly..people who are practically at their wit's end not knowing how they are going to feed themselves and their families and keep warm this winter, this is even before the next soaring fuel price hike due shortly...People who will have to choose between a loaf of bread or a bottle of milk, literally..People who will have to heat their home one day and eat the next, on a rota like basis..if they're lucky...Elderly and infirm people with no family and friends, with no one to turn to...Plenty will just give up, and I fear plenty will die.
Of course, I know it's much more complex, the overall picture and dire situation, with, for example, many small businesses that will be unable to pay their electric bills and the other utility bills, who will have no way out of this mess..their business will fail, staff will be made redundant, major personal debt will ensue...etc, etc, etc.