First of all. deepest condolences on the loss of your dear mother. To have to have such an abbreviated service with social distancing, only amplifying the tragedy & heartbreak, I can barely even conceive...
So, reading your May blog post and discussion of your music that was played at the funeral reminded me of something I wanted to share with you and your group.
My late partner Terry Turner made this video as an elegy for a dear dear friend who died from AIDS, which was played at his community memorial service: "Elegy for Bill who Dances" for Bill Wilson (1959-1992), Cincinnati Hero / Activist / Artist" by Terrence Clay Turner (1956-2001).
He made this animation (using an old Amiga computer with the still primitive tools available to home budget computer users then), incorporating in a loop frames of Bill dancing at an AIDS protest in the 80s, now dancing into the Cosmos.
He made the inspired choice of setting it to your "Threnodia" from Chance Encounters In The Garden Of Lights / The Angel At The Western Window and the result still moves me to tears to this day. And your "Threnodia" is so profound and perfect and amazingly fitting.
It is noteworthy that before I met Terry I hadn't even heard of you, and he turned me on to your amazing and phantasmagorical work, for which I am eternally grateful to him and of course you. May Peace find you, and wellest wishes for the days, months and years to come to you & Emiko & your friends & family.
All our Love & Admiration,
Steve (& Terry & Bill)
Direct upload below, recovered from a VHS video tape played at the service. Link to YouTube post:
Bill at the protest from which the dancing loop was taken (L), and one of the LGBT Marches on Washington (R)

Terry Turner, secret selfie on hike at Red River Gorge, Kentucky, date unknown, which I only discovered after processing an undeveloped roll of film I found months after he passed, which felt like a gift he left for me to discover.

A beautiful elegy, Steve. Sorry to hear about the loss of your partner and his friend.