Ok new source tapes of various sizes and era now in possession. That is a job for the Mayor and Team to wangle into These Tapes Rewind Vol 2 - 5. Or Esoteric. There has to be more hands and ears to enlist for this effort.
Well, apologies Tom, but I haven't even thought about going through all the old '80s material to find things I'd consider fit for releasing. It's a task that requires a lot of time and careful choosing of running orders, etc.
I guess the problem is that I have at least ten new albums awaiting my attention that have not yet been mastered and require artwork and an eventual release so, unfortunately, it's not exactly a priority project. Maybe in a few more years time, if I've run out of ideas for new albums...😉
If I can suggest a title that you might be interested in for an 80s compilation: "Machines Going Off In the Night." A lot of the 80s music have that overall machine like quality with everything sequenced, sampled and quantize. And, mind you, that title could be taken as a criticism of Bill -- I once asked a friend's wife why she didn't care for Bill Nelson that much and that was her response. There is some truth to it, but there is the bigger truth that it was also a lot of the sound coming out of the 80s. I think the title is risque enough and people wouldn't be that surprised to make the connection. They might even enjoy the nostalgia of the times.
Ok new source tapes of various sizes and era now in possession. That is a job for the Mayor and Team to wangle into These Tapes Rewind Vol 2 - 5. Or Esoteric. There has to be more hands and ears to enlist for this effort.
Sorry Tom, but I like the more, how should I say? Modern music, on my radio.
Thanks Bill, although running out of ideas does not seem possible!
Well, apologies Tom, but I haven't even thought about going through all the old '80s material to find things I'd consider fit for releasing. It's a task that requires a lot of time and careful choosing of running orders, etc.
I guess the problem is that I have at least ten new albums awaiting my attention that have not yet been mastered and require artwork and an eventual release so, unfortunately, it's not exactly a priority project. Maybe in a few more years time, if I've run out of ideas for new albums...😉