Has become my favourite album of late. The title track in particular seems so brilliantly audacious, that if the music critics thought it was by some new young act, they'd be falling over themselves to sing its praises as the major work of an emerging new genius they'd just discovered...
(EDIT: I prompted illustrative AI with lyrics "Starlight Stories, fabled futures, history's mystery, tales to tell" to see what it'd come up. Not bad, but not as good as it seemed to look last night).
Bill Nelson discusses the concept behind the new album Starlight Stories (from 19 Dec 2023)
I agree “Starlight stories” and “All the fun of the fair “ have had non stop play in my car, computer and living room …. I wish l had a fraction of Bills creativity….. l did play “Golden melodies of tomorrow”while in the bath recently, good grief it’s good …, it has more codas than lve had hot dinners ….. brilliant