Quite a few will, no doubt, have seen this photograph, but I hadn't (as far as I can remember) until recently.
Thought it was worth putting up on the forum and it's a fabulous shot. Bill, and the rest of Be Bop, looking cool as..😎😎

(...just in case anyone doesn't know this, click any images on this site to expand them)
Those lapels! Superb.
Bill, your watch has a large face. I'm assuming though that it's not the skull painting ... or ... is it?
Regarding the photograph at the head of this thread. It was taken in the offices of EMI Records in Manchester Square, London. I think it was when Mike Dolan had negotiated a revised deal, which I'm signing at the table. Dolan is the person standing behind me. The person on the right of the photo' is not Robbie Wilson, it's an EMI staffer or maybe a booking agent, but I can't recall who. The person on the left of the photo' is the infamous Mark Rye who was an EMI staffer at that time.
Regarding photo's of Be Bop recording in Abbey Road, I don't have any and don't recall any of the sessions being documented in that way, though there might be some that were taken by other people.
You know....Rock'n'Roll will never look like that again .....sunglasses, ties, shirts and suits.....we are truly blessed to have lived in a time when such things were both the zeitgeist and the norm, and the music and images were indeed inextricably linked as art.....lucky us!!
I don’t have MM box, either. Who are the three other guys?
The picture was in the Modern Music box set. However, there were no pictures of the band recording at Abbey Road. Bill, can you post some pictures from those recording sessions?