I'm now contemplating what next year's new release should be. I've got such a wealth of recorded material to bring to you, but can't decide, at this point, which of the many albums in the pipeline should be first in the queue. This thread will spotlight flyers for all of them. I'd be interested to see your reactions and thoughts about which one should come next. (But of course, I may not take any notice of that at all!) 😄 😉 But here are some of the choices, starting with 'STUPID SERIOUS.'

Another vote for "POWERTRON"
Well, all of the above please - 'DAZZLEBOX' sounds very exciting. Favourite flyer has to be that cheeky chappie on "Studio Cadet"- and we haven't even received "New Vibrato Wonderland" yet - maybe tomorrow ...?
I may add, the order does not matter. it would be nice to have a new album release every month or two for a year or two 😁😁😁!
A festive cover and title. 😋
last eclipse of the moon
Now here's a very good possibility...despite the fact that I have several albums which were recorded over the last few years and are waiting in the wings, I am enthused about a new instrumental album recorded on my Cubase system. No running order decided as of yet, but a long list of possible tracks already chosen. This is going to be a good one and, if I do decide to put it together, it will be the second of the new Cubase releases. It's working title, at the moment, is 'DAZZLEBOX' which sums up it's epic scope and bright, wide soundscapes.
My vote is Whatever. We have been teased about all this great music in the can for so long, I have forgotten the list, the chronology, the instruments involved, the themes and all the draft artwork.
I say swing a licensing deal with the artists which have posted covers to the site, get the Mayor to set up a release schedule (every 3 months? every 4 months?), set up mastering time (certainly taking advantage of the Pandemic shutdown), and get these out the door.
I would think that Burning Shed or Cherry Red would jump at producing NEW music to put onto their web sales sites. Limited runs and digital downloads should help the cash flow.
I think that getting back into a routine will help with the emotional times / financial stress / politics of these dark days.
Come back to the spot light.
Judging by what we've seen so far, my vote is for either Powertron or Stupid Serious, with a slight nod to Powertron. Hopefully lots of flippant lyrics, searing synthesizers, scorching guitars and pounding drums. Am I correct?
Another flyer for 'Stupid Serious.'
Interesting between-the-worlds dilemma.
I've just had a browse through my album notes and info ands realised that there isn't a running order for 'Cathode Paintbox', though I have selected the tracks to go on the album, (just not worked out the running order yet.) Now this poses a problem for two reasons.
1: the tracks reside on DAT tapes and my new Cubase system doesn't interface with my old DAT machine. I need to be able to hear the DAT tapes to try out different track running orders.
2: Once a running order is settled, I have to get the tracks mastered at Fairview in the correct order. As Fairview no longer used DAT, I have to burn the tracks to CDR from my DAT machine and then send the CDR to Fairview where the tracks can be transferred to Fairview's mastering computer. The problem is that my DAT machine and CD burner are no longer hooked into my system.
So, 'Cathode Ray Paintbox' will have to wait until much later when this problem can be looked into by my friend John Spence, once the Covid restrictions are over. Luckily, there are other albums which I previously assembled to CDR when the old studio system was still in place.
I'm not sure how many there are waiting for issue now, but how about a box set to clear the decks?
And here's 'Cathode Ray Paintbox.'
And another flyer for 'ELECTRA.'
Here's a flyer for 'Electra.'
Here's one I haven't mentioned much...
Damn, Bill! Just open the floodgates!
Another Powertron flyer...