Today, (23 April) marks the passing of my younger brother, Ian, who left us an unbelievable 14 years ago. I remember supporting my mother as we stood shivering in a cold wind, watching Ian's casket being lowered into the ground at Wakefield's cemetery. Now my mother has gone too...
The 23rd of April was also Ian's birthday. He was just 50 when he died.
Ian was a wonderful brother, much loved by all who knew him and I still miss him profoundly. His smile and good humour, along with his musical talents blessed my life for fifty years. A tremendous loss to me.
Here are two photographs: One is of Ian when he was a child, taken in the garden of the bungalow at Reighton Gap on the East Yorkshire Coast. The bungalow was owned by Ada and Herman Ackroyd who were friends of my parents and they would let us holiday there for free. The photo' is taken during the latter part of the 1950s.
The second photo' is of Ian playing his sax during a soundcheck at 'The Duke Of Cumberland' pub in North Ferriby at one of the Nelsonica events.

One of the 1st saxophonists that I would rock out to with all the repeated listens of 'Ships In The Night' and Red Noise tunes. What a very outstanding person. I see those Marborough hard packs next to him...did he smoke for a time? Not very good for his main instrument...that sweatshirt is rad though!
Condolences Bill - events this April are surely beyond sadness for you.
Still missing Ian as much today as when he left us 14 years ago. First met him when I was 17 and 44 when he passed away; his music, both with Bill and his many other projects, played a big part in my life in those years.
I hold onto the memories of meeting him on a number of occasions at various gigs and chatting to him on the phone in the 80’s and early 90’s; before catching up again at the early Nelsonica’s in North Ferriby in the early noughties.
Thinking of Ian today and also Bill, who obviously still misses him terribly; despite the passing of years and particularly at this sad time.
For Ian ...
We’re all thinking of Ian today, Bill.