Regarding the 2018 Plectronica live show, did Harold Budd only play on "The Institute of Enchantments (Department One)," as indicated by Nelson's comments at the show, or did Budd remain for additional songs? I'm really fond of Harold Budd and of the concert performance of "The Antique Futurist," which includes keyboard parts I can't easily imagine as BN tape backing track parts. Are they Budd, or are they perhaps Theo Travis before he took up his flute? Regardless, a very rich Nelson event.
Regarding the 2018 Plectronica live show, did Harold Budd only play on "The Institute of Enchantments (Department One)," as indicated by Nelson's comments at the show, or did Budd remain for additional songs? I'm really fond of Harold Budd and of the concert performance of "The Antique Futurist," which includes keyboard parts I can't easily imagine as BN tape backing track parts. Are they Budd, or are they perhaps Theo Travis before he took up his flute? Regardless, a very rich Nelson event.