Even after 45 years of following Bill and buying everything he puts out as it’s released, I’m both a bit surprised as well as being reassured by the feelings of anticipation & excitement I find myself experiencing at the prospect of getting my hands on this set of recordings.
2 CD’s packed with relatively newly recorded & mastered instrumentals, fantastic packaging and wonderful artwork; surely this has to be a no brainer for anyone who’s interested in the man and his amazing sonic adventures.
It’s like waiting for Live! In the Air Age to hit the shelves of my local Virgin Records or HMV store back in ’77. But I can’t wait, I want it, no, more than ever - I need it NOW (or more politely, as soon as you can, please Bill?)!!
My wishes have been rewarded - Order in to Burning Shed!!!
Thank you Bill and everyone involved in getting Dazzlebox to this stage; just got to be patient now until it's released next month and we can hear the music.
There is light ahead, in these still gloomy days.