May have been remarked on before, but in case not: -
One of the comments posted to Youtube for Bill's classic 'Do you Dream in Colour?' video states that the commenter had gone searching for the record after seeing its cover pictured on a Marillion LP sleeve.
Hmm - I hadn't heard that before, so I went looking - and indeed here it is, on the back cover of Marillion's 1983 'Script for a Jester's Tear' LP.
I've blown it up for you to compare. You're welcome!

Apparently, the other records shown are Pink Floyd's 'A Saucerful of Secrets', and a couple of Marillion singles.
I never noticed that before. Mark Wilkinson, the artist, must be a fan.
Those are indeed early Marillion 12" singles. I have both. About the only vinyl I still have. Can't play 'em but I love the artwork.
“There are sheets on music lying around, but with nothing identifiable on them. That’s because we could have been sued for breach of copyright. And the music posters are, of course, from earlier Marillion releases. The records on the floor are the two Marillion singles, plus the albums A Saucerful Of Secrets from Pink Floyd and Bill Nelson’s Do You Dream In Colour?."