Yes, I really understand the Impracticalities of recording with big amps at home.
the small 1 X 12 Boogies do sound great, but very directional, unless used with a larger extension cab. your Carlsbro’s & the SAE Cabs were a phenomenal sound, at all gigs I witnessed. 😲
Before the SAE cabs, you did have Carlsbro cabs, did you blow those up eventually?
re your Carlsbro Signature amp, I spoke with the tech at Carlsbro just before they closed down, as to whether it would be released to the public, as I fancied ordering one.
He couldn’t confirm, but in retrospect, He probably had an Idea the company was closing soon.
pity, I’m sure it would have been a great,” Live” set up.
Thanks for the response Bill, on my , Geeky gear questions.
I remember you, flirted briefly with, Boogie, Burman, & a, Marshall Club country combo’s.
Any particular reason, you got rid, or, didn’t bond with them?
I thought they sounded great, at the time.