Hi everyone,
I have a few Bill Nelson related items that I would like to move along and thought that going directly to other fans, who would appreciate what they are, would be the best route.
I have CD's, box sets, fan club magazines, LP's, badges, a framed music paper advert etc.
As I'm not a trader and I'm not set up with an Ebay or business account, rather than advertising all of the items at one go and getting loads of enquiries and/or offers I thought of doing one at a time and seeing how things go.
So, here goes, first item
Acquitted by Mirrors fan club magazines - issues 1 to 15 inclusive plus 7 x club 7" EP's and various ABM correspondence, letters/cards and merchandise list sheets.
Additional details/pictures available if required.
I have all of the magazines but would probably be interested in some of the other items. Especially the badges. If it's possible to get a list or a photo of them, that would be brilliant. My e-mail is the-edge@rusted-wire.info.