Where is comedy in music? Mozart wrote comedy -- "A Musical Joke" E522 -- in his music, so why can't we have it today? What vehicle would serve that purpose? I think if Bill redid the Sunburst Finish, he could incorporate jokes in it. That would in some respects put him up there with Mozart, which is a hefty legacy. On the original Sunburst Finish, Bill makes his guitar laugh in the song "Old Blues," so why not continue in that vein?
Here is an example of where Bill might want to go. I did a Benny Hill/Monty Python kind of thing for Roxy Music:

And Bill can go with something like this:

But regardless of the type of humor, Bill should seriously take up the idea of humor for Sunburst Finish -- should he decide to redo the album. There is so much in addition to humor he could add. With the help of John Leckie and maybe Andrew Clark, if he is still around, it could be an extraordinary album. There has been so much talk about Sunburst Finish, so why not continue it with a new version? This version could have a vibe never seen before. Abbey Roads and McCartney are still there, and all you need is the original drive that you had in the beginning. Investors and fans would be clamoring at the bit. The BBC legacy department would support and push it. So with all this talk about comedy, it would be tragic if nothing came from it.
I'm not saying make the whole album comedic. I'm just saying, make it. Have some comedy, but surely make it.
My sincere apologies Bill.