It's with a heavy heart and a through a veil of tears that I have to announce the passing of my dear mum who died yesterday after a long and difficult illness. I'm devastated.
I can't write more right now, it's too raw, but when the emotional pain eases a little I'll try and put a journal entry together to explain what has happened in the last couple of weeks.
Mum was known, loved and respected by the entire Nelsonica team and the fans who knew her from various Nelsonica events over the years. As you can imagine, I'm feeling the loss very deeply and I'll miss her profoundly.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family sir. I am sorry for your loss.
So sorry for you Bill, and the family. Bless your lovely Mum x
When my father died, your music gave me so much consolation. I am sure this has been true for so many of us. May the kind thoughts of your fans do the same for you Bill.
I don’t know what to say except that I’m thinking of you and I feel your pain,my own beloved father passed recently and it turned my whole life upside down.
much love- Kristin ♥
Sorry to hear about your Mum, Bill.
Dar (from Afar)
So sorry Bill! I know how much you loved and appreciated her from your many journal entries over the years.
So sorry to hear about your loss Bill. Words are never enough at these times. My thoughts are with you.
My deepest condolences to you and your family Bill for the loss of your mum. Having read so many heartfelt tributes from those that knew her or met her it‘s very clear that she was a special lady. May she Rest in Peace. Take care as best you can during these worrying times. Mic
Bill, so sorry to hear the news of your mother's passing. Thank you for sharing her life with us over the years. I know you are thankful for being blessed to having had her in your life for such a long time. My prayer is that someday you will be all united again.
I'm so very sorry to hear of your mum's passing, Bill. You can see just how close you were and how difficult and hurtful this will be for you. Best wishes to you and your family. Rose (Levon)
Having been offline for the past three weeks I have just read this post. Our deepest condolences Bill to you, Emiko and all your family.
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting your mam for the first time at Nelsonica 02. She was a wonderful lively and talkative lady who politely suffered my inane conversation with a smile.
Ar dheis De go raimh a hanam.
Eugene and Noeleen.
Hi Bill
Ever so sorry to hear about your mum passing away. I remember seeing her being ushered to her seat at one of your Nelsonica events. She was engrossed in watching your performance and enjoying seeing you play. She was proud of the fact that everyone had come to see her son a d obviously proud of you, as you were of her. You always spoke and wrote so nicely about her and one always had the impression that she was a real lady, of whom you couldn't be prouder of.
Take care a d best wishes.
Neil (a.k.a Debtworker)
May I pass on my condolences to you and your family. You sent me a PM when my brother passed away 14 months ago it was a lovely gesture. May I reciprocate.
Your Mum will be with you always as my brother Steve goes everywhere with me.
Stay strong.
Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die. Source:
Death is nothing at all,
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I, and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other
That we are still.
Call me by my old familiar name,
Speak to me in the easy way you always used.
Put no difference into your tone,
Wear no forced air of solemnity, or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes we always enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
Let it be spoken without effort,
Without the ghost of a shadow in it.
Life means all that it ever meant,
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute unbroken continuity,
What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind
Because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you for an interval,
Somewhere very near,
Just around the corner
All is well.
Nothing is past; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!
Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral
Incredibly sorry to hear of your mum passing. We went through a similar experience at the start of 2019 with my 98 year old mother-in-law. Who after a year in and out of hospital for no reason other than old age, picked up an infection on the day it was agreed, after much battling, she could go into a care home. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Bill and Emiko
My thoughts and prayers are with you two and your mum.
Much love to you Bill. No matter how long we are lucky enough to have our parents, it's always too soon to lose them.
Thinking about Bill and his family's's gonna take a lot of time. My dad passed a couple of years ago - so I know how it feels in a sense. I hope the spark of creativity resumes at some point for my musical hero.
Bill, I send sympathies and love to you and your family.