Theatre of Orpheus was my one-man show at the London Music Club, in London, Ontario. I played guitar along with a soundtrack and a video light show projected behind me. Much of it was in the style of Bill Nelson and Nash the Slash. There were about seven to eight instrumental pieces, which I have posted here. The high point for me was that my parents and my brother attended. It was the last time they saw me play publically. My mother laughed at the cow chewing its cud in Steve Via's Holy Cow. I never would have expected that in a million years. The first time my parents saw me play was at the Governor Simcoe Hotel in a rock band called Bad News in 1977. Back then I was playing Elvis, Charlie Pride, Freddy Fender, Chuck Berry, and Steely Dan covers. I would never have dreamed to be playing originals. Nor would I have dreamed to put on a one-man show like Bill Nelson. For the record, the name Theatre of Orpheus was inspired by one of Bill's CD titles called Theatre of Falling Leaves. I thank Bill for that burst of inspiration. I probably will redo the guitar parts because many of them were roughly worked out, knowing that I'd be improvising when playing live. It was a great time and my son Riess' band Hobo Signs opened up for me. Maybe, I'll do it again sometime in the future.