This started out as the soundtrack for a movie my friend was shooting. I was given the task to write a score. So I started and, before I knew it, I was out of ideas. I ended the piece with a quick cadence but without returning to the home key. I thought this should be enough music for the intro, but then I found out the movie was scrapped. This piece kind of reminds me of Vivaldi's Four Seasons. So here is another near-miss...
Email's fine:
I'd struggle to decode a written score, I'm afraid. I might be able to do something with a MIDI file, though…
This kind of music's all about work, though. "It doesn't bloody write itself, you know!", as Beethoven once said.
Yes, it does conjure a vessel moving through water. But even to hand it off to another section, I just wouldn't want to repeat the same melodies. Melodically it has to go somewhere else. And fragmenting or augmenting the lines would be a lot of work. But thank you for your interest and suggestions.
I'll tell you what, grankspoine... if you want to throw it to another section, then go for it! I'll email you my score. I'm curious to see what you come up with. As well, I'll share writing credits with you. You have my blessings!
It has a good bouncy melodic topline suggestive of fast movement over water. You could also try handing off to another instrument/section (woodwinds, perhaps) while the strings play more legato underneath. Nice to hear someone else making this type of music.