BobK and I finally finished our most recent album, "Beautiful Skies", which was developed concurrently with our last album, "What's It All About?". Where the previous collection leans in the direction of our punkier/ power poppier tendencies, "Beautiful Skies" displays our Art Rock fetishes to full form.
Track 5, "Strange Fascination" began as a poem by our very own Carole, "The Oracle", which Bob and I both took a stab at forming into lyrics. Tracy Stearns, Tracy_S, added some blistering lead guitar: it's a true Dreamsville collaboration!
It's now up on Bandcamp and Spotify, and Amazon

Looks like a MUST PURCHASE on Bandcamp Friday.
I am not sure if Art Rock means that you have a horn section or not.
Maybe there is a Haiku Detour in there somewhere.