I decided to do some computer art. I came across some color ideas in Potential Bill Covers that inspired me. Credit goes to Tourist for the color choice. I like the combination, and it puts me in a mood… not a West Coast mood… rather a Transylvanian mood. There is almost an ominous serenity to it.

I've done other pictures and the one I really like is Cry Love.

Art is such a weird thing. It's like this elusive butterfly that flutters from flower to flower, and you spend your whole life chasing it with your butterfly net. Why do you do such a thing? It's like asking the Sphinx and Pyramids why do they sit there in the middle of Egypt for century upon century. There are some things that just are.
Thank you Orphan. If I'm here in Dreamsville, I would like to contribute some of my art and music. It's strange because I invited Bill to Canada to stay at my place, and here I am staying at his place, playing my music and putting my pictures all over the walls. Sometimes I think I have overstayed my welcome or that Bill sees me as some sinister presence challenging his views. But I'm just making suggestions that he is free to take or leave. And I wish people can make suggestions all the time… like you, for example, telling me to change my vocal. I kind of suspected that about my vocal, but I had to hear it from you. Grankspoine also made a suggestion, and now he is working on Pirate Voyage. I think it is valuable to make suggestions, and it's not at the expense of the artist. I appreciate your input. But Bill sees it as some kind of compromise of the artist's integrity or art. I don't see it that way... but each to his own.
Here I am as the Commissar of LOVE. My brother Mario is in the background. He really did get into the Paul's Dead mystery. He used to send me links about that all the time.