Hello and Happy Silver Anniversary! I was wondering if Bill wanted to collaborate on a Tommy Bolin tune called Crazed Fandango? I have done the first solo and think that it would be great if Bill could do the second. I have already played part of Bill's lick in Shine from LITAA in the second solo to give you a taste. Bill can make it up as he goes. There is a part for double harmonized leads, if he wants to go down that route. Also it would be great to have Bill play the main riff and have everything filmed.
I think this is a powerful and edgy song and Bill's presence would bring out a sophistication and flavor rarely seen in these times. I hope people will encourage him.
I am showing the video here so Bill and fans can see the potential. I am not trying to showcase myself. Everything is subject to change in the video given Bill's guitar contributions and visuals. Though it is a framework it suggests a remarkable potential to make a powerful anti war statement and a plea for peace.
Let me know what you think.
I have listen to many of these guys, but I just didn't while growing up and learning guitar. I'd go to blues jams and also hear a lot of these songs and get to know who did what. I've heard Hubert before and like his playing. I think a lot of these bluesmen went to England during the blues craze in the 60s. I think I even have some sessions of Howlin play with Clapton, though I know Clapton styled himself on BB King and Freddie King. And of course I learnt "Crossroad" from Clapton, but only because of Clapton's version. The original Robert Johnson song didn't really do anything for me and Clapton gave it power with Cream.