It's my beater, the Norman B-20 Folk acoustic. NYXL (for good EBow response) mediums, tuned down to CGCFFC. For convenience and familiarity with music theory, I'm treating that tuning like DADGGD , and the two G strings are twinned , wound, because otherwise the intonation is skewed. I've made up masses of chords with this odd tuning, and some tracks will have lots of nice movement, though most will be meandering sonic excursions. The guitar has a soundhole pickup (Baggs) and an undersaddle piezo pickup, both routed to the input on the Pod 2.0. From there I have left and right pedal fx chains ...until the right one goes into the Mooer Ocean machine. Sub octavers, flangers, boosters, and delays, mostly, and an EHX synth. Nothing extravagant or high-end except the Mooer. It's going to be noisy. I have lots in the can, but may not have anything edited out for a while. Be afraid... 😁ps - it's a mess because it's me, and because I'm always moving pedals around and I don't have time to make it pretty.

From the same old May/June 2023 sessions
Isn't it time you two put your talents together again?
...that name's not fooling anyone Dar...🤣